Saw It. Pinned It. Did It.
If you saw my finished Pinterest desk, you may have noticed the framed cork board. I wish I could say that I come up with this stuff on my own, but I don't. Here's was the inspiration curtesy of Pinterest.
Here's what you'll need.
- An old frame (I got mine at a yard sale for $1)
- Cork board
- Fabric
- Picture Hanging Equipment (Something like this)
- Staple Gun
If necessary, paint and distress your frame to your liking. Then take the cork board and fabric (for my frame one yard of fabric was more than enough) and pull the fabric taunt against the cork board. Flip the cork board over and use your staple gun to staple the excess fabric in place.
Place the cork board into the frame and then mount your picture hanging equipment. (That should consist of two saw brackets, one in each of the upper corners of the frame. Then simply strung the picture wire.) Trust me, it sounds more complicated than it is!
Let me know if you give this DIY project a try yourself!

mini Chocolate Cheesecakes
Remember when I told you I made 36 mini cheesecakes because I'm clinically insane? Well, they turned out really, really good. They are a little time consuming to make, but worth it if you love cheesecake! Here's what you'll need.
- 9 Oreo Cookies
- 2 packages (8 ounces each) and 1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, softened
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup unsweetened baking cocoa
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 3 eggs
- whipped cread for topping
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line 18 medium muffin cups with paper baking liners. Split Oreos in half. Place one cookie half, middle side up, in each cup.
In large bowl, beat cream cheese with an electric mixer until smooth. Gradually beat in granulated sugar and the cocoa until fluffy. Beat in vanilla. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until well blended. Evenly divide among cups (cups will be almost full).
Bake cheesecakes 25-30 minutes or until centers are firm. Cool for 15 minutes and then refrigerate for one hour.
- 9 Oreo Cookies
- 2 packages (8 ounces each) and 1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, softened
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup unsweetened baking cocoa
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 3 eggs
- whipped cread for topping
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line 18 medium muffin cups with paper baking liners. Split Oreos in half. Place one cookie half, middle side up, in each cup.
In large bowl, beat cream cheese with an electric mixer until smooth. Gradually beat in granulated sugar and the cocoa until fluffy. Beat in vanilla. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until well blended. Evenly divide among cups (cups will be almost full).
Bake cheesecakes 25-30 minutes or until centers are firm. Cool for 15 minutes and then refrigerate for one hour.
Smaller than a post-it note :) |
A Case of The Mondays
My morning started off with miscommunication and a bad cup of coffee. Steven says I have a case of the Mondays, I think I just have a case of the mornings --every morning. I'm simply just not a very able-bodied, functioning human being before 10 am. And that makes me testy. So instead of ranting, which I certainly feel like doing this morning, I'm going to show you some of my favorite captured moments from this weekend. You're welcome.
But first, a photo of Huckleberry in his festive Thanksgiving scarf that so many of you have been dying to see since last Friday. Sorry I didn't post this sooner! It was on my instagram though, so if you aren't already following me there, click here! Huck added the big, sad puppy dog eyes for some extra drama.
My handsome hubby blowing leaves off our garage roof. This is obviously a favorite moment because he's on the roof and not me. Also, that ladder is an early Christmas present curtesy of his leading lady. (That's me, people.)
Huckleberry and Herschel taking an afternoon nap together under my desk.
Herschel being particularly cute.
And my favorite..Huck watching Jurassic Park intently. He was barking at the velociraptors and then tilting his head to listen to their response. He is too cute.
Unfortunately, we didn't get our tree this weekend, but I did get a swanky new blazer and that's almost as exciting ;)11.23.2012
Friday Letters
Being Thankful
Last Thanksgiving was the first time I have ever spent a holiday away from my family. And although I was surrounded by Steven's family, I felt lonely. I have a feeling that this year will be no different, but when I reflect on the last 12 months it's easy to see that I have so much to be thankful for --like Chapstick and York Peppermint Patties, central heating and new tires on my Jeep, and having an especially handy man for a husband.
On a more serious note, I am thankful for my family who have always been so supportive of me (even my crazier decisions like moving across the country!), my few friendships that have withstood the test of time and distance, my cute fur babies who have somehow made life seem more full, and my husband who makes me so proud I swear I could burst!
It's a good thing to sit back and take the time to reflect on all you have. So let's do that and be grateful.
Also, I'm guest posting on Megan blog today. So if you want to read more about living with a the cutest Golden Retriever on the planet!! and some of the characteristics of that breed, go here!
The {Finished} Pinterest Desk
I promised I would post pictures of the finished version of my Pinterest desk the hubby made me, and post I will. But first, if you didn't see the inspiration photo and the beginnings of the construction process, go here!
Secondly, I'd like to apologize for the quality of my photos. I should have taken them during the day for better lighting. But seriously, I'm just not a photographer and it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference :)
So without further ado, here is my lovely, 9ft. Pinterest inspired desk!
To the left of the computer, Steven cut a circular opening to run the cables through. He then attached the surge protector to the bottom of the desk. That way the multiple cords for the computer, lighting, etc. aren't simply lying on the floor.
Sadly, my office is still pretty sparse, but I have added a few details that I really love.
I found this cute, three tiered bird detail at Michael's. It's great for holding small office supplies like tacks, paper clips, and the all so necessary miniature, glitter clothespins ;)
Things Left To Do:
- Pick out and hang a curtain for the office window
- Buy a filling cabinet with lock for important documents
- Build a shelving unit on the wall opposite the desk (I'm thinking something like this)
- Hang the cork board
- Find decor for the office walls
Weekend Review
This past weekend was busy, busy! Saturday morning I made two loaves of sandwich bread for the work week ahead, cleaned the house from top to bottom, and then made a lasagna. I'm pretty sure I should win an award for being so domestic. On top of all that, that night I had to put in some overtime for work editing a proposal only to wake up on Sunday morning and discover that the due date had been extended for another week! Balderdash! I was tempted to punch someone in the face, but the only person around at the time was Steven so I refrained.
And that was just my Saturday!!
On Sunday, I made 36 mini cheesecakes for my office's Thanksgiving potluck today. Yeah, 36 mini cheesecakes. Because obviously I'm crazy. It's safe to say I don't want to be near an oven for at least a week.
But do not fret, there were some good moments this weekend too. Like a Breaking Bad marathon with the hubby and beating him in an intense game of Phase 10 (have you even played Phase 10?? Such a fun card game!)
Also, like every weekend, I took some cute pics of the pup. This one in particular is a true gem.
Notice Huck's apprehension? He's silently saying, mom, it's behind me isn't it? Waiting to strike!
See it? Let's zoom in to get a better look.
Herschel stalking him prey. Huck and I live in constant fear. He left a dead bird on the doorstep Saturday morning...I think it was a warning.
Hope you have a great Monday! If Monday's are even capable of being great. And prepare yourselves for a home office reveal later this week :)
Oh yeah, Thanksgiving is Thursday. This year is going by way too fast!
Friday Letters
Dear Readers - I finally got an instagram. I know I'm really behind the times, so please forgive me, but I think it's awesome!! You can follow me here! Dear Herschel - You're funny. When you put your paws on my face and give me kitty kisses it makes me laugh. Partly because you're cute, but mostly because it tickles. Dear Car - This weekend you are getting Washington plates. Kinda makes me sad, but it's the next step for me to become a true Washingtonian. Dear Thanksgiving - You are less than a week away! Turkey! Nom nom.. Stuffing! Nom nom... Mashed Potatoes! Nom nom... this could go on, but I think I'll stop here. Dear Husband - I know you think we need a truck, but I'm convinced our next purchase should be a pygmy goat. Just think it over, will ya? Dear Huckleberry - Found this video on my old phone when you were just a wee little guy. Makes my heart melt every time. You were so tinnnny!!
Happy Friday, friends! Hope you have a lovely weekend :)
Repurposed TV Stand
Piece by piece, my living room is slowly coming together!
Shortly after Steven and I moved in, my mother-in-law gave us a nightstand she picked up at a yard sale. Steven removed the top drawer, cut out a hole in the back for wires, and we have been using it as the TV stand in our living room.
When my mom came to town, we decided to give this old nightstand new life with a little paint job and distressing. We sanded it, applied three coats of paint, and then slightly distressed it.
I love the finished product!
This new look is a much better fit for the overall feel I want for our living room!
Now, if only we had a furnace in that fireplace... :)
Bainbridge Island
Luckily, when my parents came to town last week we were blessed with a few pretty days here in Washington. Look! Blue skies!
So we decided to drive to Seattle and take a ferry to Bainbridge Island. Steven and I have been to Bainbridge once before, and I just love all the cute speciality shops, bookstores, and eateries! There is just something about small, quaint towns that I can't get enough of!
From custom made furniture and Pacific Northwest art to simple holiday decor, there is plenty of variety in their downtown shopping center. Even an outdoorsy woodmen's shop that Steven loved!
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I should have purchase this two dimensional canvas to hang over my bed! Oh hindsight!![]() |
After shopping for a while we grabbed lunch at a diner down by the water and then ended the day buying some chocolate at a local shop {which was amazing and of course I don't have any pictures to show you because it's in my belly}.
My parents stay in WA wasn't long enough! I wish I could have taken them around the area more, but I think they enjoyed this little day trip. {And actually, my dad and Steven were able to go to the Seahawks game on Sunday, so I know that was fun for them at least!} My mom and I spent a lot of time shopping {duh} and doing DIY projects around the home. All in all it was a great visit and I hope they are able to visit again soon!
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