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What Happens When ABC, the Huffington Post, and Yahoo Feature Your Wedding

Basically, a world of negativity and judgement explodes around you.
I was never one of those girls who had their wedding all thought out and planned before the age of 10. I just wasn't. When it came time to plan my wedding, I pretty much just went with the flow. So when one of my best friends and bridesmaids offered to take my photos for the wedding as a gift rather than stand by my side, I didn't stress about having an uneven number of bridesmaids and groomsmen and I didn't bother to look for a "replacement" (Who wants a "replacement" in their wedding party? Better yet, who the hell would want to be a "replacement" in a wedding party?). I simply jumped at her offer and accepted! As long as Bridget was there for my big day, I didn't care if she was standing by my side or behind a camera lens. 

That did mean one of our groomsmen was the odd man out, resulting in some pretty hilarious photos. He posted one of those photos on Reddit and since then the Huffington PostABC News, and Yahoo have picked up the story...
...and WOW! People are rude. I couldn't help myself...I knew better, but I read most of those comments anyway. Apparently, Steven and I are rednecks who are probably divorced by now, my wedding photographer was terrible, Macon is a loser who can't get a date, and I'm a complete snob to have "ruined" my wedding dress that mommy and daddy paid for by going into Lake Ontario at the end of the day.

Not going to lie, kinda hurts to read that stuff! And for someone who blogs and is used to putting my life on the internet you'd think I'd have thicker skin, but apparently I don't. I've actually never been attacked on this blog. All of you have been pretty gracious to me, allowing me to share my life with friends and family on the east coast with very little judgement. But the blogging community is quite different from the anonymous commenters on the world wide web. So I want to say thank you to all my followers who have left encouraging, funny, heart warming comments these past 2 years! Who have gotten to know me and some even become my good friends. Thank you for making me feel safe on this space and free to share my life with those I love.

To the anonymous haters who posted on the links above, I just want to say that Steven and I are extremely happily married and expecting our newest addition in just a few days! Macon, the stand-alone groomsmen, is smart and funny and married to one of the cutest women I ever did meet. Bridget, the photographer, is a great college friend who was kind enough to offer these photos to me as a gift and they are snapshots of the best day of my life. I will forever be grateful to her! And my wedding was the first wedding she ever shot and I am beyond thrilled with how the images turned out (as evidenced by how many of them are plastered on the walls in my home!).

P.S. Not that it's this lady's business, but to the lady who thinks I'm a snob for "ruining" my dress mom and dad bought me... I didn't ruin it. It was successfully dry cleaned and hangs perfectly in my closet. I paid for that dress myself and it was less than $200. Steven and I had a small budget and made a lot of sacrifices most brides and grooms wouldn't to stay within it. I'm thinking that doesn't make me a snob, but to each his own.

P.P.S. To the lady who wants to eat breakfast off my husband's booty...Eww.


A Life Less Traveled said...

We had an uneven wedding party due to my then best friend becoming MIA during the wedding planning process. I had 2 bridesmaids to his 3 groomsmen and luckily no one said anything about it.

Anyone who said anything negative about your photo is stupid. I see a non cookie cutter wedding picture and those are the best kinds.

Callie said...

Wow, I can't believe the comments you got! I think unhappy people just hang around those news sites looking for opportunities to be nasty. And I think your friend did an amazing job photographing your wedding! That photo is gorgeous and fun!

Brittany Fry @ The 26th of August said...

Screw all of them!! Pardon my vulgarity but I actually decided to keep it more PG rated. They know nothing about you and have no right to make comments like that. Your wedding was gorgeous and they are jealous, that is all.

Chelsea @ Lost in Travels said...

i'm constantly amazed at how open and willing people are to criticize perfect strangers. it's so sad. and just for the record, you have killer wedding photos : )

Kenzie Smith said...

I think that wedding photo is amazing and really fun! Your groomsman was hilarious in that photo, and I liked it. Some people just have nothing better to do with their lives but spread negativity to make themselves feel better. Don't even give those people a second thought, they aren't worth it :)

Caitlin said...

oh my gosh the PPS made me laugh out loud

AM said...

Just cannot believe the things people say, it made me laugh because they sound so ridiculous. Our society seems to love to judge others before they even know them it's crazy. You are happy and know the truth that's all that matters!

megan said...

oh my gosh people are so judgemental! you are one of the sweetest people in the blog world and don't need to pay them any attention.

Brooke @ Pieces of the Reese Life said...

Well that is just absolutely ridiculous! We were off by two in our count and I trashed my dress also! I think a lot of people are very stuck in the traditions of weddings and that's fine, but no need to ridicule you for what you choose. You go girl and your wedding looks beautiful!

XO, Brooke

Katie said...

Wow. People really can be the worst, especially when they can hide behind anonymity of the internet. Girl, your wedding was gorgeous!!! And seriously, that breakfast comment is weird.

Happy almost due date!!! :)

Faith said...

It's amazing the guts people have on the internet. Although their comments are untrue it still hurts because you're only human. But at the end of the day you have the last laugh and that is all that matters. You were featured and they were not!

Unknown said...

Hey Danielle, I don't think I ever actually met you, but I had a lot of business classes with Steven at Liberty :) I've been following your blog since I saw Steven post it once, and when I saw the article posted on Yahoo yesterday I was so excited that I "knew" you guys. But WOW, I could not believe the comments. Some people are so rude. It took quite a bit of will power to read all of the nasty comments and not respond to each one defending you guys! Best of luck with your labor and delivery. I'm so happy for you and Steven and that you will soon be able to meet your little bundle of joy :)

Natalie | Mrs. Janney | said...

I LOVED your wedding pictures and am totally jealous about the one in the lake. I REALLY want to do a trash the dress photo shoot. I'm feeling close to being the same measurements I was at our wedding, so I could actually fit into my wedding dress again and it could be a possibility.

People are jealous and that's all that is.

Kaity B. said...

OMG I saw that this morning and didn't connect the dots that it was you- how funny! You're famous! :)

Sherilynn said...

It's horrible that people are so mean. They obviously have nothing else better to do with their lives other than to say awful things to make themselves feel better. Screw them. =) I myself absolutely thought it was great pictures. It's great when people think outside of the box and be creative.

Whittier Carolyn said...

Pictures were cute - Ignore the rude comments!

Lynn said...

When has it become okay to ignore the old age advice, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?

Love your blog and have been following you for awhile. Sending you best wishes as you transition to a family of 5. I include fur-babies in that count because they really are our children. :-) Please share an extra belly rub with Huck and Herschel from a reader in FL.

Kate said...

People are so rude!! Don't listen to them- you have great pictures! Can't wait for the update on your newest bundle of joy!! Happy weekend!

Beth W said...

Personally, I LOVE that photo. It's hilarious, and you can see a story to every single person in the shot. Your wedding should be memorable, not cookie-cutter, and here you are, doing just that.
I hope those press sources paid you royalties for your photo (they don't own it!), and never ever ever read the will destroy your faith in humanity.
(and also...$200?!! HOW?? I'm having to drop $500 on a friggin' bridesmaid dress, and it's about turned me off to having a wedding dress ever...eesh, they're all so expensive. What was your secret???)

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful wedding post. I like this approach of photograph.The free wedding planner iphone apps are used to get these kinds of wedding information's at instantaneously.

Holly said...

Wow, some people are rude! I know I've said it before but I'll say it again: I LOVE your wedding photos! I think your friend is super talented, your photos were absolutely beautiful, and I think the pictures with your lone groomsman were awesome :) I had a man of honour instead of a maid of honour so my pictures were a little bit weird. Our photographer grouped him with the two bridesmaids but it would have been better to have him by himself, he's got such personality he could have pulled it off :)

cynthia said...

So funny, I saw the HuffPo article and was like, "Hey, I read her blog!" Of course people feel the need to be negative, don't pay them any mind. :)

Savanah said...

I can not believe all the comments that were posted on all of those sites!! The picture was hilarious! And it turned in to bad photography and you being white trash for trashing your dress. All the trash the dress comments really urked me because I trashed my dress too in Cancun and it is perfectly fine! I stood in the shower with it on after we got out of the ocean and it was fine, even before getting it dry cleaned! ugh. These people need to get a life!
And all of your wedding photos were fabulous!!

Unknown said...

that is wild - don't let it bring you down :)

Vicki said...

I just don't understand people at all! I think they pictures are great and hilarious. Too many many have too much time to just say hateful things about/to others. I read some of the comments and I was just appalled. I wouldn't let it phase you. You have great memories of that day and don't let anyone else ruin it! :)