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Life's little moments as captured on my iPhone.
1| Jack recently discovered his feet...
and how to give the bird ;)

 2| Huckleberry loves to sneak attack Jack with kisses!

3| Jack enjoying being upright all on his own!

 4| Biggest donuts I've ever seen at the Farmer's Market last weekend!
I told Steven I want one of these for my birthday instead of a cake!
They seriously are as big as my head.

5| Peanut butter drop chocolate cupcakes. Gluten free and dairy free.
 'nuff said.

We are all still enjoying spending time with Grandma Carroll over here! She is here for 2 more weeks to smother her grand baby in snuggles and kisses. To see some more snapshots of our day to day follow along on Instagram


Snoqualmie Falls

You know what you do when you get visitors, right? Play tour guide and pretend like you know all about the state you live in, of course. Truth is, after living in WA for almost 3 years, I've still seen very little of it. That's partly due to the weather here (booooo rain), but also to the fact that we just don't make it a priority to get out and go on adventures. But that's all about to change, ya'll. We bought a tent. A TENT, I tell you! But more on that later... Now back to me being a tour guide.

My mom is here for a month visiting, and we decided a trip to Snoqualmie Falls was in order. It really is a beautiful waterfall and the trails down to the bottom were beautifully kept and easy to walk. 
Climbing back up the trail was no small feat, however! It's like I gave birth to a human being 4 months ago or something... I'm so so so soooo out of shape!
We were blessed with a beautiful day (See, Dad? Told you it doesn't rain everyday in WA.. just every other day) and my mom was able to see some of those pretty sights those NW Pacific peeps always rave about.

The best part though was the signs they had along the trail's edge detailing the different type of floral. We discover that those little red berries Steven's been munching on in our yard are indeed Huckleberries, and not poisonous red bird berries like I kept telling him. (what? I'm a worrier.) So Steven's not going to die. Which is a plus. 
Oh, and these two.. I just can't get enough. 

Washington, you're kinda fun to look at. I think I'll go out adventuring more.


Jack | 4 Months

Remember when I used to blog all the time? Yeah, me neither. But there have been some big changes going on around here and I've promised myself I'm going to get back to blogging.

But first and foremost, let's celebrate Jack! My little man turned 4 months old and oh.em.gee he is just the cutest! ;)
4 month old Jack loves...
raspberry kisses
bath time
being outside
funny faces
diaper changing time
 4 month old Jack dislikes...
Jack also just noticed the sock monkey who photobombs his monthly photo shoots...
he wasn't very happy about it.
Health: Jack weighs 17lbs and is 26 1/2 inches! Can't believe how big he's getting! He is in size 6-9mo clothes and ready to move on to size 3 diapers soon. Jack cut his first tooth! A small, little thing on his bottom right side. So there has been a lot of droll and a few fussy evenings around here lately.

Breastfeeding: So, so glad I stuck with breastfeeding even though it was such a huge struggle in the beginning. I now really enjoy our nursing sessions and that bonding time we have together. Jack eats 6-8 times a day (around every 2 1/2 to 3 hours). That includes his one nightly feeding, which I'm pretty sure he doesn't really need but has pretty much conditioned himself to wake up for. I don't mind it though. Right now, I feel like we have a good thing going in the feeding department.

Sleeping: Jack's bedtime routine starts around 6-6:30 depending on his mood ;). He is usually asleep by 7 and wakes up around 6. He is an excellent night sleeper and such a happy boy in the morning after getting his 11 hours of sleep! Naps are still crazy and all over the place. He's one of those babies that fights sleep during the day. He wants to be held the entire nap and when you transfer him he wakes up within 10-15 minutes. It is rare to get him to nap longer than 30-45 minutes (even if you're holding him the entire time). We are still working on things though. I'm just trying to stay consistent and enjoy all the snuggles that practicing good nap habits get me. 

New this Month: Last month Jack's hands were a big hit, but this month it's toys and faces! He is getting really good at reaching for and holding toys. Everything and anything you put in front of him is interesting. He also loves to explore people's faces with his hands. Sometimes while nursing he'll just stop, reach up, and put his tiny little hand on my cheek (or sometimes in my mouth but the other example just sounded so much sweeter). He loves being outside in his baby bjorn and can't get enough of Huckleberry! 

This month has been really exciting and there have been a lot of firsts for Jack and my little family. Steven celebrated his first Father's Day and we also decided to dedicated Jack that Sunday. Jack met his Grandpa Carroll for the first time and is enjoying a whole month of Grandpa Carroll's hugs and kisses! We've went on lots of long walks and even a few hikes, and have just been enjoying life! It's been a really, really great month. 
Everyone says Jack doesn't look like my side of the family, but I'd beg to differ ;).
Jack man, you are simply the most precious little being in this world! I love watching you grow. 
Happy 4 months, baby bear!